+7 7172 75 50 50
Teniz Basin is a direct analogy – same basin

Oil and Gas Data confirm

•Same source rocks

•Same structural setting

•Same host rocks

•Same access to reductants

Surface Cu occurrences confirm

•Same fluid transport mechanism

•Same mineral precipitation

•Same Ore grade potential

No modern exploration

License Valid for 6 years

Renewal once for an additional 5 years (after dropping 40%)

Largest Sediment Sandstone hosted Cu deposit in the world

7 Licenses – 2955 km²

North = 880 km²

South = 2075 km²

20 x 200m – 3000m holes (1980’s)
Methane flowed from hole OP-15 for 30 hours at 812m depth within Vladimirov formation
Within Kokpekty anticline
Evidence for oil trap on this fold

Soviet Soil Data on ASTER confirm 10’s km scale trends of soil

copper anomalism