+7 7172 75 50 50

The Tesiktas licenses is administratively located in the Karagandy region, 100 km from the famous copper smelter in the Balkhash city and 60 km from the Sayak mine. The area is characterized by developed infrastructure with roads and railway.

Area prospecting began in 1951 , which was accompanied by lithochemical survey on secondary halos. Gold and copper occurrences were identified by area prospecting.


The geological structure of the Tesiktas exploration area and the Tesiktas deposit is complex. It encompasses volcanogenic-sedimentary deposits of the Ordovician, Silurian, and Carboniferous periods, alongside volcanogenic formations of the Permian era. These formations give rise to intricate structures characterized by thrusts and olistostromes.

The mineral resources of the region include small occurrences of hematite-magnetite, titaniummagnetite ores, chrome spinels, jadeite, as well as the small Tesiktas pyrite deposit and several occurrences of the vein-disseminated type, which are closely associated with porphyry copper. These deposits are primarily linked to the Ordovician ultramafic complex.


The Tesiktas deposit, Toretai copper mineralization points, and Ayuly gold ore occurrences have been identified in close proximity to the Tesiktas license area earmarked for exploration.

CU (Tesiktas Deposit) 

The Tesiktas deposit comprises three ore zones that extend successively from southeast to northwest over a distance of approximately 5 km. According to GKZ, the estimated reserves are as follows: C1 - 119 th.tons; C2 22 th.tons; off-balance ores - 27 th.tons. Average copper content is 0.88%.


Gold ore occurrences are closely associated with metasomatites and quartz veins located at the boundary of acid intrusions from the Upper Paleozoic era. Within the area, the average gold content ranges from 0.1 g/t to 3.4 g/t in single intervals.

Project works

Reconnaissance routes to study the work site;

Soil geochemical mapping; Ground geophysical surveys;

Geological routes with sampling.