+7 7172 72 99 33

The Koktas Project is situated in the Maysky district of the Pavlodar region of the Republic of Kazakhstan, approximately 135 km southeast of the city of Pavlodar. The access to the project site is through an asphalt road for 22 km, and then a dirt road to the Koktas site (near the village of Zhanaakshiman) for 33 km. The nearest railway station is 85 km away.

The exploration license for the project covers an area of 214 km2, and it expires on September 2024. The production license, which is 4.5 km2 in size, expires on January 2045.

The deposit is located in a broad shear zone with a north-northwest direction that passes through the contact of red sandstones and limestones. Within the zone, the rocks, mainly sandstones, and to a lesser extent limestones, are intensely altered by processes of dislocation and, mainly, hydrothermal metamorphism. Based on its geological position and metallogenic features, the deposit can be classified as a stratiform type with veinlet-disseminated copper mineralization. The main minerals found in the deposit are Malachite, azurite, chalcopyrite, bornite, covellite, and chalcocite.

Completed works:
  • Magnetic and electrical exploration; more than 340 km of geological routes; 1600 l.m. 224 wells of RC-drilling;
  • 43 exploration trenches with 4246 l.m.;
  • 127 boreholes of core drilling (15579 l.m.);
  • 15000 analyses;
  • 2400 kg of technological sampling.
  • The hydrogeological, engineering-geological, geodesic, and environmental conditions of the field have also been researched. The project has a readyto-use technology for sulfide ores and is under stage of


(COG 0.3% Cu up to 120 m depth) Ore – 2,740,000 t.

Cu – 41,600 t, 1.52% Ag – 31,000 kg, 10 ppm.


(COG 0.3% Cu up to 80 m depth) Ore – 33,000 t.

Cu – 1900 t, 2.13%

(COG 0.3ppm Au up to 270 m depth) Ore – 2,670,000 t.

Au – 1,400 kg, 0.53 ppm. Ag – 35,000 kg, 13 ppm.

Additional exploration is required to increase the resource base. Single samples of the deposit show 9.26% Cu and 726 ppm Ag.