+7 7172 72 99 33

Located in the well-developed Infrastructure region, where the several active mining enterprises are known

20 km southwest of the village of Karagaily, where the Karagaily Mining and Processing Plant operates

230 km southwest of the city of Karaganda Fortescue Company owns several exploration licenses in the region

The deposit has been known for a long time, within the ore field there are ancient mining workings in the form of small open pits (mining engineer Stepan Popov XIX century)

Major minerals:

Copper, gold, silver

Associated minerals:

Molybdenum, rhenium, tellurium, selenium

The annual ore output of the open pit is planned to be 3.0 mln. tons of ore . The operational life of the mine is 39 years. 

The enrichment of oxidized ore by acid leaching is subject to further development. Preliminary throughput recovery of copper to saleable metal is 64%.

Forecast Resources

Forecast Resources (P1 category) to a depth of 600m: 57.7 Mt ore, 200 Kt Cu.

Sulphide copper ores were tested by flotation method. Copper concentrate of KM5 grade with copper content of 20.12 %, recovery to concentrate is 85.05%. The internal rate of return is 16.6 % with a payback period of 7.3 years.