+7 7172 72 99 33

The Kemir Project is located in the Balkhash region, where several active mining enterprises are known to operate. The distance to the nearest railway station, Mynaral, is 50 km , and to the nearest gold extraction plant, Akbagay, it is approximately 30 km. The total contract area - 350 square kilometers.


The copper occurrence is located within the multi-phase Akmanglai massif , near its contact with Devonian effusive-pyroclastic rocks. The potentially ore-bearing field extends to the northwest for 6 km with a width of 1.5-2 km. It is controlled by northwestern and northeastern faults. The occurrence is composed mainly of granodiorites and granosyenites, less frequently of small bodies of diorites and porphyritic gabbro-diorites, interrupted by small bodies of fine- grained porphyritic granodiorites. Ore mineralization in the form of disseminated, veins and trace fractures is represented by pyrite, chalcopyrite, bornite, covellite, bismuthite, rarely molybdenite, in some cases sphalerite, galena, arsenopyrite and faint ores, sometimes nugget gold.

Completed works:

315 l.km - Ground Magnetics 

104,7 l.km - IP Survey 

29 677 l.m – Core Drilling 

10 samples (up to 30 kg) – Metallurgical Testing 

The project was assessed by SLR Consulting, 

National History Museum, Reid Geophysics, Aurora Ltd.

Mineral resource potential:

( COG 0.2%, to a depth of 350 m ): 

27 million tons of ore, 

100.7 thousand tons of copper (0.4%), 

71 ,8Koz of gold (0.2 g/t), 

4 ,1 Moz of silver (6 g/t) 

The drillhole DDH-124 has confirmed the spread of mineralization to a depth of 755 meters