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Aurora Limited conducted a gyroscope inclinometer inspection on one of the Client's projects where a significant discrepancy was found in the angle and azimuth values of a drilled hole provided and drilled by another contractor.


In order to identify the angle and azimuth discrepancies, it was decided with the Client to carry out a commission measurement. This involved a repeat test measurement using three inclinometers in conjunction with the Contractor's equipment.


In analyzing the reasons for the discrepancy in angles and azimuths, several possible factors were identified. These include technical errors, lack of equipment calibration, failure to follow measurement standards and protocols, and excessive drilling productivity.


Inaccurate data could lead to misinterpretation of the underground reservoir structure, which increases the risk of operational errors. Upon discovering the discrepancy in angle and azimuth, Aurora Limited operators notified management and the customer of the drilling irregularities and offered control over the measurement processes.


This case highlights the importance of continuous monitoring and accuracy in geological operations.


Aurora Limited's recommendations are: necessity for regular calibration of equipment, the use of highly qualified personnel and strict control over the data collection and transmission process.


In prospecting and especially exploration drilling, it is important to follow the design parameters to ensure that the orebody is intersected at the specified point and angle. It is important to note that hole curvature is one of the parameters by which the Client accepts the hole or decides to classify it as faulted. In some cases, this can lead to a conflict of interest.


Therefore, we recommend inviting reputable companies to carry out the above works or dividing drilling, geophysical surveys and geological support between different contractors. We are always open to any level of audit at any stage of the work and often make recommendations for our own audits.


Aurora Limited would like to thank its employees for demonstrating honesty, transparency and responsibility, proving once again that these principles are at the heart of our company.