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 During the 2023 field season, Aurora Minerals Group employees are conducting site geochemical surveys (lithochemical secondary scattering halo survey) at the highly prospective North Balkhash area on behalf of the Customer.

 The main purpose of the work is to detect ore deposits that come to the day surface, as well as those hidden at depth.

 Practically any mineral deposit is accompanied by halos of the main element and satellite elements in various natural environments and can be detected by geochemical prospecting methods.

 The results of the lithochemical survey will allow more precise identification of areas for detailed studies in the license area, as well as the formation of strategic plans for future exploration phases, taking into account environmental responsibility.

 Soil horizon sampling is carried out on a regular 100x200 meter grid with a capacity of 200-300 samples per day. The sampling is carried out in strict accordance with QA/QC quality control for accuracy and reliability of analytical results, which is a key factor in the pursuit of successful development of natural resources.

 A brief geologic description is performed along the route of the trip. A unified code system is used to indicate the name of the rock, the elements of occurrence, and the presence of ore/ vein mineralization.

 Performance of lithochemical sampling is carried out in strict accordance with the Customer's terms of reference, following the specified points and deadlines.

 All predecessor mine workings encountered during the works are recorded in GPS with exact coordinates.

 Before physical work began, staff assembled a reference collection of rock and mineral samples to ensure uniformity of documentation.

 Before work begins, Aurora Minerals Group employees have been trained in field safety. Employees wear the necessary protective equipment to avoid risks and hazards to their health.

 Employees protect the environment by complying with environmental legislation and minimizing the impact on the ecosystem.

 The Aurora Minerals Group team represents specialists with extensive experience in geological surveys, which guarantees a high professional level of project execution.