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    In our digital world, where careers are increasingly made behind computer screens and in virtual spaces, there is something deeply heartwarming about traditions associated with earth, stone, and the vast, powerful resources they hide. This is the story of the Raushanbekov family, a dynasty of drillers with a combined 52 years of experience spanning three generations who now work for Aurora Minerals Group, an exploration company in Kazakhstan.


    Raushanbek, the ancestor of the dynasty of drillers Raushanbekovs, devoted 27 years of his life to this craft. His dedication laid the foundation for the family's pursuit of finding the treasures hidden beneath our feet. With the formation of the Aurora Minerals group of companies, this endeavor has gained new strength and vision.



    His son Talgat followed in his father's footsteps, accumulating 21 years of experience in the same profession. His image, along with his son, captured in the photograph, demonstrates the rigors of their profession - helmets, gloves and the unyielding determination that characterizes the life of a driller. In their eyes, reflecting the hardness of the materials they work with, burns the same spark of curiosity and ambition that once ignited in their chief father.



    The youngest member of the dynasty, Aset Raushanbekov, has already been in the profession for five years, having worked his way up from assistant driller to driller after joining Aurora's drilling division. His promotion shows that the path of the Driller is the challenging yet rewarding path his father and grandfather walked before him.



     In the drilling profession, a backup person and mentor relationship develops when the driller sees potential in the assistant. The driller begins to gradually hand over the control levers, allowing the newcomer to feel the pulse of the mechanism, understand all nuances of the process and realize the wisdom contained in the complex dance of man and machine. Understanding this dynamic, Aurora Minerals Group ensures that mentoring thrives, allowing each driller's full potential to be realized.



    This cycle continues with promotions and advancement, with the role of Drillmaster being of great importance. At Aurora, this role includes managing multiple rigs, ensuring smooth operations and mentoring the next generation of drillers. Having passed a certain way, some drillers become technical supervisors to oversee drilling operations and broader aspects of project implementation.


    This family and professional legacy is evidenced in a photograph of father and son. At the beginning of his career, the son looks up to his father, embodying the wisdom, knowledge and skills passed down from generation to generation. It is up to him to carry on that legacy, to write his chapter in the family saga of courage, determination and a deep connection to the Earth.


    "We drillers are seekers of knowledge and resources, and our labor is important for the development of our country. The result of a driller's labor makes it possible to discover new mineral deposits, which are the basis for industry and economic growth. This gives me a great sense of satisfaction and pride for what I do!", says Aset Raushanbekov.



     The Raushanbekov dynasty, like the wells they drilled, penetrates to the very core of their personality, forever linking them to the raw, elemental forces of the Earth. They symbolize the eternal spirit of exploration, man's relentless search for knowledge and resources, and the unbreakable bonds of family and profession. The labor of a driller is very important for the country and the results of his work help to discover new mineral deposits. These resources are the backbone of industry and energy, providing the country with raw materials for production and economic growth.


    This story is a testament to the fact that generations of drillers are shaping the landscape of our modern world.