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Prospecting phase exploration works in Akmola region, Republic of Kazakhstan

During the 2022 field season, Aurora Minerals Group employees are carrying out exploration work in the Akmola region. The prospective area of the site is located near a world-class gold deposit, where an operating mining enterprise is already established.


Exploration work includes preparatory and field phases.


During the preparatory phase, the following work was carried out:

         - obtaining a license to conduct exploration work and all permits according to the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

     - geological expertise, including analysis of historical data with the compilation of a database and the allocation of promising areas;

      - development of a geological exploration project using modern mining and geological systems;

      - design of drill holes, determined by the results of interpretation of drill holes, performed for the period from 2021 to 2022 by Aurora AG Limited;

         - preparation of design and estimate documentation (exploration plan, EIA project).



Fieldwork in 2022:

    - Electrical prospecting by the induced polarization (IP) method was carried out in the selected promising areas;

     - At the moment the core drilling of inclined holes up to 450 m deep is carried out with Boyles C6 drilling rig and a number of hole logging surveys with AMG's own equipment;

      - Geological support of drilling operations in compliance with quality control requirements in accordance with international standards.



Immediately before the start of physical work, the AMG Geology Department supervises the quality of topographic referencing of drilled holes and drilling site preparation.


In the process of drilling core holes, the geologist supervises:

     - core recovery;

     - correctness and completeness of core recovery from the core barrel;

     - no contamination with material from previous missions;

     - absence of core material washout by drilling fluids;

     - correctness of core stowage, its preservation and marking of core boxes and mission tags.


The geologist is responsible for performing control measurements of holes depths, monitoring the timeliness of holes deflection measurements, the performance and quality of hole logging and other work.


The AMG Field Unit provides timely information on the progress of the work by providing a quick daily update.





The hole core documentation process is organized at the field site, allowing for optimized project logistics.


Compiling a digital database in the documentation process, provides the ability to quickly integrate into modern geographic information systems.


Allocation of intervals for sampling minerals and host rocks is carried out in compliance with the quality control requirements of international standards.


Samples are taken to create a reference collection and for mineralogical-petrographic, spectrometric and other types of research, for the purpose of a comprehensive study of the geological environment of the site.


Particular attention in the course of field work is paid to compliance with industrial safety and environmental regulations under the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the regulations of Aurora Minerals Group (fencing, PPE, separate collection and disposal of waste, daily briefings, fire safety organization, etc.)


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